Saturday, July 6, 2013

Answered Prayers

Warning!!! If you get grossed out by the female reproductive system, you might not want to read this.

Just in case you didn't know, I want you to know that God answers prayers.  In my last blog I asked people to pray about my CMV test results and to pray that my period would be a few days late.  Well, my test results came back, and I am negative.  That means we are clear to proceed, and my period was late, to the point that the doctor had to write me a prescription for something to make me start.  I thought that was funny.  In fact, I didn't start my period until after my test results were back.  It was all perfect timing. Never think that your prayer request is too insignificant.  God cares about you, and if it isn't insignificant to you, then it isn't insignificant to him.

I will start taking my medication today.  I will take it for most of the next week, and then I will begin taking shots.  I hate giving myself shots, but it goes with the territory.  I've gotten used to it by now. Today is day three of my cycle, so days three through eleven I will be on medication.  I will go back to the doctor Sunday the 14th for an ultrasound.  That is part of taking these drugs.  You have to be monitored constantly to make sure your ovaries aren't hyperstimulated.  I will have to have my follicles measured and checked pretty regularly.  This is when they will determine if I need more medication or an increased dosage. 

I do have a few prayer requests for this week.  First, I had blood work done Monday and Friday.  My estrogen was too high Monday, so they tested it again Friday.  Please pray that my estrogen is where it needs to be.  Second, pray that this new medicine works really well and I won't have to increase my dosage and order more medicine.  If they need to do that, I would love it if they would just give me some samples.  They've done that before.  It saves money. Also, please pray that the procedure works.  I'm ready to have a baby.  I get tired of doing these procedures, and I don't want to have to do IVF if I can help it.

For those of you who have contributed money or helped with our fundraising, I want you to know where your money has gone.  So far, we've spent $1500 on this procedure.  That isn't counting the other copays that we will pay or any extra medicine we may have to order. I am thankful that we didn't have to do IVF.  That would've been even more money, but the fact is that ALL procedures are expensive.  We are still fundraising and will continue to do so.  We have one week to go on our Avon fundraiser, and we are doing another fundraiser this next week.

Thanks for your prayers and words of encouragement.  I will continue to keep you posted.  As always, here is the link to our fundraising site:

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