Monday, May 20, 2013

Malachi 3:10

Well, we were hoping to get approved for the Compassionate Care Program, but we didn't. The letter came in the mail today. They said we make too much money. I really don't know how that is possible.  I'm sure the bonus money I got from the AP grant program pushed us over the limits. Never mind the fact that I used every dime of that money to pay for treatments last summer. Oh, the irony! Needless to say, I'm a little down about it. They did say they'd give us a 10% discount, which doesn't help much when your medicine is in the thousands. Plus, our insurance is almost maxed out, but it will be okay. God will make a way. He always does.

Richard and I are constantly looking for jobs on the side to help with the cost. If I could just get a piano, I could start giving voice lessons again. Therein lies the problem. I don't have a piano, and they cost money. It will work out. I'll get a piano soon or a little job will come open. Richard and I tithe, and because of that, the Lord has blessed us. He will send us the money (Malachi 3:10). There are people out there who are struggling to put food on their tables, so I can't complain.

I talked to my sister Melanie today about doing an Avon fundraiser. We are going to get that together soon, and I will keep you all posted. If you have any fundraising ideas, just let me know. As always, I've attached the link to our fundraising page below. Continue to keep us in your prayers. Dealing with infertility is an emotional roller coaster ride. One day you're up, and the next day you are down.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Some women who are dealing with infertility are really bothered by Mother's Day. I've never really felt that way. I do sometimes feel uncomfortable when they ask all the mothers to stand. It kind of singles you out, but it's no big deal. I don't cry or squirm in my seat. I just look at all the babies and long for the day when I will be dedicating mine.

However, I think that Mother's Day makes other people uncomfortable around me.  They all mean well, but many of them just say the wrong thing or give you that I-feel-sorry-for-you look. I can't speak for everyone, but I'd prefer people not to ask me if I'm okay or fret over me. I'm fine, and I really don't want attention drawn to me. You don't have to say anything to me or console me. I really am okay, because I'm completely confident that I'm going to have a baby soon.

I would love it if churches did something for the women who were never able to have children or the ones who are dealing with infertility or the ones who have felt the sting of losing a child or the ones who never married. It would be nice to see a flower arrangement in the sanctuary with a note in the bulletin dedicating it to those women. Just a simple reminder that we are not forgotten would be a wonderful gesture. Maybe I can do that one day.

To all you wonderful mothers out there, never take for granted what you have. Thank God every day for your blessings. Always remember that there are plenty of women who would give anything to have what you have. Thank you for all you do, and Happy Mother's Day.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Well, we made our appointment today.  I was hoping to get in earlier, but the first available appointment isn't until June 17th. We didn't get in until June 12th last year.  I just forgot that they are so booked. I'm slightly disappointed that we can't go any sooner, but I can get in some vacation time before the madness begins. It's my fault.  I've been so busy that I just kept putting it off.

We were able to get two cycles in before school started back last year, but I told Richard that we will have to continue into the school year this upcoming year.  Now that I'm 36, I don't have the luxury of putting off procedures until the summer every year.  I'll just have to do what I can during the school year. It's stressful, but I'm sure I can make it work.

I'll keep you all updated.  Right now, I just need your prayers.  I'm a little down and frustrated about having to wait until the middle of June to begin. It is what it is.  There is nothing I can do about it.  Please continue to pray that we will be approved for the Compassionate Care Program.  Having up to 75% of our medication costs paid would be a tremendous help.  As always, here is the link to our fundraising website: