Friday, August 9, 2013

Round 2

I've been really quiet about the fertility stuff the last couple of weeks. There is no particular reason other than the fact that I've been busy getting ready for school, and I just don't need to be consumed with it every waking minute. I was sad that the last treatment didn't work, but I am hopeful that this one will. God is in control. I just have to let go and let him handle it.

I am doing the same thing as last time, just at a slightly higher dosage. I am currently taking my injections, and I will go in some time next week to do the procedure. I have an appointment Sunday in Birmingham, and I will know then when we will do the procedure for sure. After that I have the horrible two-week wait. This time I will be too busy with school to notice every twinge. That's a very good thing.

Just continue to pray for good results and good progesterone levels and a positive pregnancy test. But, don't forget to pray for me and Richard. Fertility treatments are rough and keep you on an emotional roller coaster ride. We believe that our time is coming. Our baby is on its way. It's just a matter of time. We really need this procedure to work. We've maxed out our insurance and now have to pay for all drugs ourselves. It is extremely expensive. I really don't want to have to do a round without drug coverage. Plus, fundraising is not fun. You run out of things to do. However, if we have to raise more money, I guess a garage sale will be next, but don't worry, I'll be sure to pick an off weekend. We are Bama fans for sure.

No matter what, I know that nothing is impossible with God. He sees the big picture and knows the perfect time for us to have a baby. If we get pregnant this time, that will be amazing, and I am believing we will.  If we don't, we will take a month off for sure and meet with our doctor to see what he would like to do next. We will continue treatments during the school year if we have to.

Pray, pray, pray! That's what we need right now. Thanks for your prayers, kind words, and support. We really appreciate the outpouring of love we've received from our friends and family.