Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Morning Appointments

Woke up bright and early this morning with a smile on my face and peace in my heart. We had an 8:15 doctor's appointment in Birmingham. Yes, fertility doctors are open seven days a week. I'm not making   this stuff up. I hate missing church, but you do what you have to do. The good thing about these appointments is that there is no traffic and plenty of parking.

While everyone else was in church, we sat in a cold waiting room surrounded by very young couples nervously waiting. I play this game when I sit in the waiting room. I read everyone's body language and figure out what his/her stories are. We were definitely the oldest ones there today and the only veterans at this fertility stuff. The room was filled with kids in their early to mid-twenties. They were nervous and fidgety and unsure. They didn't know where to sign in or what to do. They were new to this, probably their first procedures. I wanted to look at them and tell them it would all be okay. They are so young and have plenty of time, but, of course, I didn't say a word.  You know you're a veteran when the staff can pronounce your name correctly. That may not be the case for you, but with the name Shatisa, that says a lot.

Let me rewind a little and get you caught up. Everything I asked you to pray for in my last blog was answered. My estrogen level was perfect, my period was late, my CMV test was normal, I didn't have to buy anymore medicine, and I responded perfectly. As I told you before, I tried a less expensive round of drugs this time. We went in today to measure my follicles and make sure I responded.  When you take fertility drugs, they cause you to produce more follicles. Follicles produce eggs. Some women produce lots of follicles and can produce lots of eggs. This can result in multiples, and you hear about that a lot. I'm not trying to produce massive amounts of follicles or eggs, and at my age, that's probably not going to happen anyway. Give me one good egg, and I'm set.

A mature follicle has to measure 1.8 mm. They say that the smaller ones can produce an egg, but normally your mature ones will be in the 1.8-2.0mm range.  I had three follicles today, which is fine. I had two smaller follicles on one side, but I had a good mature follicle on the right side that measured 1.9 mm. I didn't produce as many follicles this time because I took a different drug. I had several follicles last year, but I still never had more than one or two mature ones. Anyway, I asked the nurse if she wanted me to finish up my remaining medicine, but she said no. She said I responded and had a mature follicle and was ready to go. All you need is one egg. Normal ovulating women produce one egg every month. I have to take my trigger shot tonight. It will cause me to ovulate in 36 hours. I will go back Tuesday morning for my IUI.

There are a few things I need you to specifically pray for. They checked my progesterone today. You want it to be around 200 for every mature follicle, so pray that I have good numbers. Pray that my IUI works Tuesday and I'm pregnant. On the 23rd they will do blood work again and check my progesterone after the IUI. Anything over 10 means that you ovulated, but they like for it to be higher on a  medicated cycle. Pray for good numbers. I will go back for my pregnancy test on the 30th. My anniversary is the 31st, so that would be a great anniversary gift. Just pray, pray, pray, but most importantly, thank him and praise him for all he's done for us.

God is so good to me. He has answered all of my prayers and continues to bless me. I don't know what people do without him. I'm ready to be a mom. Call me crazy, but I know that I know that I know I am having a baby.  This is my month. Nothing is impossible with God.


  1. I'm so glad you had a good appointment! I'll be praying for this to be successful. I have several friends going through similar treatments. All of you will make fantastic parents, God just had a slightly different road planned for you. Prayers coming your way!
