Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

We all have moments in our lives when we walk in a room and experience Déjà vu, that feeling of having been there before.  I experienced this just the other day. Except, I really had been there before. My bedroom is my place of comfort and solace.  At the darkest points of my life, I would oftentimes go to my room, crawl into my bed, and cover my head with the covers.  Tears would flow as I would stare off and think of my plight in life.  I wore the Scarlet I of infertility and wore it well, but others didn’t see the pain and despair that I went through.

I crawled into my bed the other day. This time it was for a totally different reason, sheer exhaustion.  As I covered my head and looked to the side, I was reminded.  I remembered lying there back in the winter and thinking to myself that one day I would look back on this painful moment, one day I would make it through the storm and see the light at the end of the tunnel and think back to my time of despair and remember.  Well, I’m finally there.  I’m looking back and remembering the pain I once felt.  It seems so distant and so long ago, but I’ve finally made it through the biggest storm of my life, a ten-year storm. My sadness and despair has been replaced with amazing joy.

There are many of you who are fighting a battle.  It may not be infertility, but it’s a massive battle.  You’ve been there.  You’ve shed tears and cried out to God.  You have wondered if it will ever end. I don’t know what it is that you are facing, but don’t give up.  Never lose faith.  There may have been times that I was down and disheartened, but I never lost faith in the Word of God.  He promised me so many things, and I reminded him daily of what his Word says.  His Word was all I had.  Without it, there was no hope. God is faithful, and I promise you that he will answer your prayers.

As I look down at my little girl tonight, I see God.  I see his goodness and mercy.  I see his love for me. I see the chains that he broke in my life.  When he said that if you delight in him, he will give you the desires of your heart, he wasn’t joking.  He looks at the most minute detail, and he remembers your every desire. God is good, and he is faithful. Your storm will soon pass away.  I don’t know his timing, and I don’t know exactly how or when he will do it, but I can promise you he will, and his plan is infinitely better than yours could ever be.  Don’t let go of your dreams.  Don’t get so tired that you give up.  The victory is coming.